Norfolk Community Foundation aims to make it as easy as possible for community and voluntary groups in Norfolk to access funding. They seek to support genuinely good ideas that will make a real difference to the lives of local people, and most Funds will consider a range of project/ activity costs. Find out more at
Through the Norfolk Community Foundation, we applied to the Broadland Community at Heart Fund. Broadland District Council’s Community at Heart Grants programme is designed to help meet the needs of local community groups and the provision of community-led activities and projects. They kindly awarded us a capital grant towards the toilet. See Community at Heart
The Geoffrey Watling Charity was established in 1993 and distributes grants to causes which in the Trustees' opinion merit support. Geoffrey Watling is a Norwich based charity, and because the toilet will be available to the public and will have disabled access, the Trustees kindly decided to award us a grant. See for more information
Allchurches Trust is one of the UK’s largest grant-making charities. Our grants further our charitable objectives of promoting the Christian faith and other charitable causes. We welcome applications from all parts of the UK and Ireland, particularly from areas of social and economic deprivation. We fund projects that tackle homelessness, poverty and social exclusion. We also support the repair, restoration and wider community use of churches and cathedrals of all denominations. Follow Allchurches Trust on Facebook and Twitter @AllchurchesT or visit our website: for more information. Here in Freethorpe we are very happy that Allchurches Trust has made a grant available to us.
The Garfield Weston Foundation is a family-founded, charitable grant-making foundation, which supports a wide range of causes across the UK, donating over £62 million annually. It was established in 1958 by the Weston family and in 2018 will donate its £1billionth, becoming one of the largest and most respected charitable institutions in the UK. The Trustees are descendants of the founder and the Weston family continues to take a highly active and hands-on approach. Although the Foundation normally funds much larger projects, we are delighted that they responded to our application and awarded us a grant towards our toilet. Please see for more details.
In addition to these external grant-awarding bodies, we have received donations from several individuals in Freethorpe and the surrounding villages. These are particularly valuable to us as they demonstrate the interest and support we have received locally, and we are very grateful