Weekly Notice sheet

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Acle & Bure to Yare Benefice: Sunday Notices, 28th July 2024

Today and the following Sundays:-





11.00am (10.30am if stated)

28th July
9th after Trinity

Psalm 145.10-19
Ephesians 3.14-21
John 6.1-21

Holy Communion


Joint Holy Communion
5.00pm Beighton
Evening Prayer

4th August
10th after Trinity

Psalm 78.23-29
Ephesians 4.1-16
John 6.24-35


Lammas Morning Prayer Wickhampton
Holy Communion

Acle, Reedham
Morning Prayer / Worship
Holy Communion

11th August
11th after Trinity

Psalm 34.1-8
Ephesians 4.25 – 5.2
John 6.35,41-51

Holy Communion


10.30am Beighton
Holy Communion

Please pray for the Revd Dave Hanson, as he is instituted as Rector of Yare Valley Churches at Brundall tomorrow. For all the Sisters of Bethany (Mary, Martha & Lazarus tomorrow).

For Emma & Steven Knights, celebrating their 1st wedding anniversary.

Diocesan Prayer Diary: for the parishes of the Lynn Deanery. The additional collect for today:-

Gracious Father, revive your Church in our day,
and make her holy, strong and faithful,
for your glory’s sake in Jesus Christ our Lord.

This week:-

Today 3.00pm at St. Edmund’s Church: folk band Wensum in concert (£10).

Monday 10.00am at Cantley: Holy Communion for Mary, Martha & Lazarus, Companions of our Lord.

Saturday 1.00pm at St. Edmund’s: Wedding of Jessica Haynes & Liam Smith.
1.30pm at Reedham:
Wedding of Jane Alger & Isaac Kennedy.

Next week:-

Sunday 4th: following the Lammas Service at Tunstall Church, all are welcome to breakfast refreshments at Manor Lodge .

Monday 5th 10.45am: Acle PCC meets.

Saturday 10th 9.00am – 12 noon: Acle Farmers’ Market at St. Edmund’s Church Hall.

Future events and other notices:-

Sunday 11th August at Wickhampton, 11.00am – 4.00pm: the annual Teddy Bear Parachute Jump & Zip Line, with compère David Clayton (Radio Norfolk).

Benefice website: www.abychurches.co.uk
Martin Greenland (Rector) 01493 750393 rector@aclechurch.plus.com – day off Wednesday.

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