Weekly Notice sheet

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Acle & Bure to Yare Benefice: Sunday Notices, 22nd December 2024

Today and the following Sundays:-



(or 8.00am)

(or 10.30am)


22nd Dec
4th of Advent

Micah 5.2-5a
Canticle: Magnificat
Luke 1.39-45 [46-55]


8.00am Acle
Holy Communion

10.30am Beighton
Morning Prayer

2.30pm Limpenhoe
Carol Service
4.30pm Freethorpe

24th Dec
Christmas Eve

Isaiah 52.7-10
Psalm 98
John 1.1-14


4.00pm Acle
4.00pm Reedham
Crib Service

11.00pm Acle
Holy Communion
11.30pm Limpenhoe
Readings & Carols

25th Dec
Christmas Day


8.00am Acle
Holy Communion

10.00am Freethorpe
Family Service
11.00am Reedham
Holy Communion


29th Dec
1st of Christmas

1 Samuel 2.18-20,26
Psalm 148
Luke 2.41-52



10.30am Freethorpe
Holy Communion


5th Jan
The Epiphany

Isaiah 60.1-6
Psalm 72.[1-9]10-15
Matthew 2.1-12

9.30am Limpenhoe
Holy Communion

11.00am Freethorpe Methodist Church
Joint Covenant Service
11.00am Acle
Morning Worship


Please pray for those working over Christmas.

Diocesan Prayer Diary: we continue to pray for the parishes of Great Yarmouth Deanery.
he additional collect for today:-

Eternal God, as Mary waited for the birth of your Son,
so we wait for his coming in glory;
bring us through the birth pangs of this present age
to see, with her, our great salvation in Jesus Christ our Lord.

This week:-

Monday 23rd 11.30am at St. Edmund’s: Funeral of John Moore.

Wishing you a peaceful and joyful Christmas ...

Next week:-

and a Happy New Year!

Future events and other notices:-

Thank you to all who have cleaned and prepared the churches for our Christmas celebrations.

There will be Roman Catholic Mass in St. Edmund’s at 9.30am on Christmas Day.

Sun 5th January: no services at Freethorpe All Saints, Halvergate, or Reedham, to allow congregations to join in the Covenant Service at Freethorpe Methodist Church.

Benefice website: www.abychurches.co.uk
Martin Greenland (Rector) 01493 750393 rector@aclechurch.plus.com
Post-Christmas break: Tue–Thu, 31st Dec–2nd Jan + Mon–Wed, 6th–8th Jan.

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